What insurances do you currently accept?
Both providers currently accept:
BCBS, Independent Health, Nova, Univera, NYS Empire Plan, No Fault/Auto Accidents, Workers Compensation
Dr. Daniela Galante additionally accepts: United Healthcare
Dr. Alessia Galante additionally accepts: Medicare and Cigna
I have had back surgery and have a spinal fusion, can you still treat me?
Yes! We can still manipulate your spine, making sure to avoid the specific segments that are surgically fused. If you are uncomfortable with the traditional methods of chiropractic adjustment, we have two flexion distraction tables, allowing us to perform manual spinal decompression.
My last chiropractor spent 5 minutes with me each appointment, is that what I can expect if I make an appointment at this office?
Absolutely not. Our follow up appointments are slotted out at 25 minutes. Your doctor will take you back to the treatment room to discuss your progress and current pain/limitations, set you up on heat and e-stim. Then return to perform the adjustments and any manual therapy you may need.
What about between visits?
Depending on the patient, a "homework" plan will be implemented. We used a system called Physitrak to send patients a customized rehab plan to be done between visits.
Additional questions?
Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.